Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010
My last day in Indonesia...
Besok abis ashar gue mau ke bandara nunggu pesawat buat berangkat ke Turki!! Sebenernya sih disuruh ngumpulnya jam 8, tapi tau sendiri Jakarta sekarang gimana, jadi mesti bener-bener antisipasi. Kalo terbangnya sih jam 1 pagi, naek Emirates, katanya di dalem pesawatnya ada tipinya lochh trus pilihan pelemnya ada ratusan wuihh *norak. Padahal yang kelas ekonomi sih -..- Lagian mana mungkin gue yang bisnis apalagi yang eksekutif. Tapi penasaran sih pengen nyoba kursi yang kayak di iklan garuda (bukan katom) yang bisa buat tiduran, tapi sayang sekali tempat duduk pesawat itu hanya yang biasa saja yang duduk.
Oh iya gue belom cerita kenapa gue ke Turki.. Jadi ceritanya Pribadi tiap taun (maybe?) ngadain pertukaran pelajar gitu sama Yayasan Pasiad (yayasannya pribadi) yang dari Turki. Bilangnya sih student exchange/pertukaran pelajar, tapi gak ada murid dari sana yang dateng kesini, tau deh. Tapi emang sih disana belajar, jadi ntar kita senen-jumat (apa sampe sabtu gitu) belajar mtk, ipa, inggris, turkce selama 3 BULAN!! Yakin gue bosen, paling ntar cuma seminggu-dua minggu semangatnya, trus homesick juga lagi. Dan yang gue paling takut adalah tentang adaptasi. Yak, itu adalah hal yang paling tidak bisa gue lakukan, kemampuan adaptasi gue kalo dinilai antara 1-100 itu cuma 9.4 huhuhu. Makanya semoga ntar disana bisa gampang lah amin.
Buat perlengkapannya, kemaren-kemaren gue sama nyokap udah nyari-nyari, kan di Turki lagi winter jadi belinya syal, kupluk, sarung tangan dari zara (azeeek) trus jaket 2 cappuchon 1 (yang ini dari pasar baru trus kayaknya barang loakan gitu, miris ToT ) trus masa nyokap beliin lip balm ama lotion body shop apagitu -..-" katanya biar ntar bibirnya gak pecah-pecah en kulitnya gak kering, buseettt.
Dan rencananya besok mau packing, tadinya sih pengennya malem ini tapi entah kenapa males jadi besok sajalah.
And this is my first time going abroad, sumpah!! Gue ke singapur ke malay aja belom pernah, sekarang keluar-keluar langsung ke Turki lagi, makanya penasaran banget. Apalagi gue kan calon diplomat, jadi mesti latian sering ke luar negeri, palingan ntar taun depan gue ke prancis, dubai, ato mesir lah B)
Anyway, what I'm excited about Turkey is:
-food: turkish delight, roti-rotinya, dan yemek-yemek lainnya (bagi yang tidak tahu yemek-yemek bisa digugel translate turki-indonesia)
-shopping: sepatu (katanya disana murah-murah), trus apaya baju-bajunya, merchandise-merchandisenya ama pajangan-pajangannya mungkin.
-nature: SNOW OFF COURSE!!! Penasaran gue pengen megang salju, bikin boneka salju, lempar-lemparan bola salju, tapi katanya sih salju itu cuma kayak es serut gitu, ya yang kayak di carrefour yang buat tempat naro ikan, ga tau juga lah, dan tugasku adalah untuk membuktikan hal tersebut.
-buildings: blue mosque, masjid aya sofia, museum-museumnya, dan terutama sekolah ama asramanya!! (awas aja kalo bobrok tea)
Yaa I think that's it lah..
But I think I am too much over-excited (what kind of grammar is that??) about going there. Kemaren gue ampe panas 3 hari, trus sekarang masih pilek en batuk-batuk ama pusing dikit. Moga-mogak bisa sehat walafiat lah apalagi itu perjalanan 10jam-an lebih kali.
Jumat, 20 Agustus 2010
72 Questions of 72 Virgins
The Palestinian homicide/suicide bombers from the Islamic Jihad, Hamas, and Arafat's terrorist groups that blow themselves up are promised 72 virgins when they reach heaven.
Martin Bodek has 72 questions on how this whole virgin thing works. Here are the questions:Dr. Progressive
Posted May 20, 2002
http://www.enterstageright.com/drprogressive.htmDear Dr. Progressive,
My name is Martin M. Bodek and my web site is http://www.martinbodek.com/. I have 72 Questions on the 72 Virgins that Muslims are rewarded with in heaven if they die in holy war. Could you please answer these questions for me?
Martin M. Bodek(P.S. These questions are rated "R" for highly suggestive language and evocative imagery)
1) What if the bomber wants girls with more experience?
2) What if one virgin is no good in bed? Does she get replaced or is he stuck with 71?
3) If he's gay, does he get male virgins?
4) What if he's celibate? What does he get?
5) What if he hasn't reached puberty yet? Does he get 72 Xboxes till he comes of age?
6) If he's bi, does he get 36 of each?
7) If he blows himself up while building the bomb, does he still get credit?
8) What do you call a relationship with 72 women, a menage-a-soixante-deux?
9) Are they like 72 wives or 1 wife and 71 concubines?
10) What if he's ugly or smells bad and the virgins don't want anything to do with him?
11) Is there viagra in paradise? Ya know, just in case?
12) Is there an age of consent?
13) When they're deflowered, do they get replaced by new virgins or are they "born again"?
14) Do they become his common-law wives eventually?
15) If he has a tryst with a 73rd virgin, do the others consider it cheating?
16) Do the virgins have a union? If so, can they strike if they're not satisfied?
17) Is there a temp agency that replaces virgins if they call in sick?
18) What if the bomber's into animals? Does he get accommodated?
19) Why 72? Is 71 too few? Is 73 too many?
20) If it was a female bomber, how do the male virgins prove their virginity?
21) What happens when paradise runs out of virgins?
22) Can a bomber make reservations on specific virgins before he blows himself up?
23) If there are no virgins available, is he put on a waiting list?
24) If he's a catholic priest, does he get 72 little boys?
25) Would you call a female bomber a bombshell?
26) Would you call a child bomber a bombino?
27) Is it not 73 out of respect for Barry Bond's home run record?
28) If the bomber previously dated one of the virgins, does it get awkward?
29) Do they have a bomb squad in paradise just in case one of the charges didn't go off?
30) Did they start using female bombers because they ran out of virgins for the guys?
31) If she's a lesbian, do they "convert" the virgins, or will straight girls suffice her?
32) Does a hermaphrodite bomber get hermaphrodite virgins?
33) If so, are there 72 available?
34) If they run out of virgins, do they get inflatable dolls till they find more?
35) If a bomber finds an infidel in paradise, can he blow him up and get 72 more virgins?
36) Could the Koran have had a typo and it actually provided just one 72 year old virgin?
37) Is Muslim hell being one of the 72 virgins?
38) Instead of 72 guys, would a female bomber settle for 1 man who does dishes and garbage?
39) Do the bombers go broke on Valentine's Day?
40) If he's monogamous, does he pick one of the 72 or does he get a supermodel?
41) What if he doesn't like either gender? Does he just klutz around in paradise?
42) Eternity is long, and eventually he'll grow bored of his 72 women. What happens then?
43) How does he pick the 72 to begin with? Lottery? Beauty pageant? Police lineup?
44) Is he allowed to covet his neighbor's virgins?
45) Do the virgins have agents and/or contracts?
46) If so, can a virgin request to be traded or put on waivers if she's unhappy?
47) What should he say if one of the virgins asks "Does this Burka make me look fat?"
48) If he gives the wrong answer, is he uh, screwed?
49) How is anyone expected to handle a catfight amongst 72 women?
50) Did the 9/11 hijackers who didn't know they were going to die get 72 virgins too?
51) Are scouts employed to find virgin talent?
52) Do the virgins ever retire, or do they remain virgins forever?
53) If they retire, what kind of pension plan do they get?
54) Wouldn't it be interesting if they're virgins because they're ugly?
55) So is it 72 Muslim girls or like 1 virgin from every culture?
56) Wouldn't it be sweet if Lorena Bobbit got hired as one of the virgins?
57) What does Gloria Steinem have to say about all this?
58) When he gets home, does he have to say "How was your day?" to all 72 virgins?
59) Do they have counseling for sexual addiction in paradise?
60) If the virgins start hogging the remote, is he in hell?
61) They must take up an entire theater when they go to the movies, huh?
62) Are there restaurants in paradise that can accommodate a reservation for 73?
63) If a virgin suffers from multiple personalities, is she considered two virgins?
64) Does he get all the virgins at once, or do they have an installment plan?
65) Is the bomber entitled to subsitutes, exchanges, or refunds?
66) What if all the king's horses and all the king's men can't put the bomber together again?
67) Is "not tonight, dear, I have a headache" a valid excuse in paradise?
68) Do the virgins come with a warranty?
69) If so, does paradise replace defective parts and provide on-site service?
70) What do you call a lifetime warranty if you're dead?
71) Do siamese twin bombers get 144 virgins?
72) Who gets to clean up all those nasty sheets?
Buset daah, gue ngaqaq bacanya, lucu banget gila (Btw, gue highlight ntu yang menurut gue lucu, trus yang paling lucu menurut gue warnanya beda sendiri).
Eit eit, yang ngerasa pertanyaan ini disgusting jangan ngomel dulu, kan udah gue peringatin di atas sebelom baca. Nah, sekarang yang pengen gue bahas ini ngerendahin/ngejelek-jelekin Islam apa kagak sih (asik dah mentang-mentang bulan puasa ngomongin agama)? Oke, menurut gue ini cukup ngerendahin Islam, soalnya ini dia ngejek tentang janji Allah tentang hadiah bagi orang yang berjihad, yaitu berupa 72 perawan. Tapi di sisi lain ini lucu banget gila gokil ah yang bikin sampe kepikiran gitu loh. Makanya gue pengen bahas tentang perihal ini..
Okay, it might be boring, but let's discuss about our religion, apalagi kan sekarang bulan ramadan, jadi momennya tepat tuh. 72 perawan..
Yap 72 perawan.. "Why 72? Is 71 too few? Is 73 too many?" The answer is I don't know, yeah, nobody does, except Him. Tapi coba kaji dari sisi lain deh, gue udah ngegugel dan ternyata bahasa arabnya perawan aka bidadari ini adalah hur/houri. Dalam bahasa Syria hur itu bisa diartikan sebagai white raisins alias kismis putih. Yah gue ga tau juga mana yang bener sih, tapi di hadits-hadits banyak disebutin tentang houri/perawan/bidadari ini secara eksplisit, gua gak tega nyantumin hadits-nya (sebenernya lebih ke males sih -..-) soalnya agak vulgar-vulgar gitu. Anyway, hadits kan gak semuanya reliable, semuanya masih tergantung Qur'an, nah di Qur'an ini cuma ada 4 ayat apa berapa gitu yang menjelaskan tentang hur ini (gue belom baca sih, males nyarinya).
Yaah, Qur'an itu emang tentang interpretasi, artinya bisa bermacam-macam tergantung siapa yang nginterpretasiin. Nah, dalam konteks ini yang nginterpretasiin adalah: Palestinian homicide/suicide bombers from the Islamic Jihad, Hamas, and Arafat's terrorist groups; dan teroris lainnya yang ngakunya sih melakukan jihad trus mati syahid, yah gak tau juga deh. Tapi menurut gue sih mereka menginterpretasikannya salah, secara mereka ngebunuh innocent people yang gak ngapa-ngapain mereka (oke, ini berhubungan dengan politik dan gua gak ngerti sama sekali tentang politik sih jadi diskip sajalah hohoho). Jadi, mereka ngelakuin bom bunuh diri demi mendapatkan 72 perawan/bidadari di surga kelak yang belom tentu bakalan mereka dapetin, syukur-syukur kalo mereka masuk surga trus dapetnya ternyata cuma 72 white raisins (yang di Arab emang jarang makanya sebenernya lumayan juga sih), tapi kan kalo ternyata masuk ke neraka, ckckck.
Back to the topic, jadi kesimpulannya pertanyaan di atas itu pertama: lucu, kedua: lucu, ketiga: bikin ngaqaq. Well, yeah it is offensive, indeed. Tapi kan mereka yang ngerasain penderitaannya ngadepin teroris berkedok jihad, jadi sekali-sekali dilucu-lucuin bisa lah. Kita sebagai orang Islam nerima ini dengan positif sajalah. (Anyway, gue belom nyebutin nama website gue dapetin ntu pertanyaan, dan nama website-nya adalah Facts of Israel huohoho, silahkan anda pikirkan sendiri itu website apaan)
Sabtu, 14 Agustus 2010
Bolos Lagi Bolos Lagi..
Rabu, 04 Agustus 2010
Pencarian pertama: tag words: batang kenikmatan
results: situs-situs bokep bahasa indonesia
Oke, pencarian pertama tersebut tidak membuahkan hasil selain cerita-cerita erotis gak jelas yang tak sanggup aku baca wkwkwkwk.
Pencarian kedua: tag words: bahasa malaysia joystick
results: situs-situs bahasa malaysia yang menjelaskan tentang joystick
Yes, finally! Trus akhirnya gue ngeklik satu blog yang postingannya berbunyi seperti berikut:
Why Mahathir insist on using English for math and science. Because the world uses the english language as the main language for information technology. How dangerous would it be if we’re still going to use Bahasa, especially in school. See example below.
*hardware = barangkeras
*software = baranglembut
*joystick = batang gembira
*plug and play = cucuk dan main
*port = lubang
*server = pelayan
*client = pelanggan
Try translate this:
That server gives a plug and play service to the client using either hardware or software joystick. The joystick goes into the port of the client.”
Pelayan itu memberi pelanggannya layanan cucuk dan main dengan menggunakan batang gembira jenis keras atau lembut.Batang gembira itu dimasukkan ke dalam lubang pelanggan.”
Now You Know………
software = perangkat lunak
joystick = joystik
plug and play = meneketehe
port = meneketehe
server = meneketehe
client = meneketehe
Senin, 26 Juli 2010
Mafia Wars (eh seminggu di pribadi deh)
Kamis, 17 Juni 2010
My first award (juga)
1. Berapa blog yang kamu punya dan berapa umurnya?
Cuma satu, umurnya kira-kiraaa (ngecek blog archieve) dari desember 2008 terus sekarang udah juli 2010 hmm berarti kira-kira ada 6 taun 9 bulan lah (*digeplak)
2. Sejak kapan kamu mengenal dunia blog?
Sejak aku mengenal cintaaa...
3. Mengapa tertarik membuat blog dan untuk apa?
Untuk berbagi pengalaman berharga, suka dan duka dalam kehidupan, cintaaa, berbagi pengetahuan kepada pembaca, meningkatkan intelektualitas pembaca yang telah dikebiri (aseeek bahasanya, eh tapi sumfe loh bener, itu tujuan gue, mulia sangat kan?)
4. Apa kelebihan dan kekurangan blog kamu?
Keboringannya, ini blog boring banget, namanya juga santo's boring life. Isinya rata-rata pada gak penting semua sih.
5. Award dan tag ini berikan kepada 5 teman blogger yang lain
Hmm, liat yang masih aktif ngeblog ah... Terus cari yang postingan-postingannya bermutu, hmmm...
1.Ela @ http://pamelarat.blogspot.com
soalnya dia yang nangkring paling atas di "daftar blog saya" (oke, setelah vina sih, tapi masa gue ngasih award ke vina lagi)
2.Bima @ http://bimassw.blogspot.com/
soalnya dia yang nangkring kedua setelah ela (terus aja begini lo! dasar gak kreatif)
3.Dewi @ http://dewianakbungsu.blogspot.com/
soalnya dia yang nangkring ketiga setelah dewi (*no comment -..-")
4.Inan @ http://inanajagakpakesambel.blogspot.com/
(oke, kali ini ada alesannya) soalnya dia blog pertama yang gue baca loooh, trus jadi kepengen bikin blog sendiri deh (terus dia juga yang nangkring setelah dewi sih -..-")
5. Yaya @ http://tiaramauminumobat.blogspot.com/
dan ini alesannya juga karena dia yang nangkring setelah inan -..- (au ah gelap, gak kreatif? EGP)
Yap, segitu saja. Dan terima kasih bagi yang telah mengepass award ini (yaitu vina) dan terima kasih juga pada penggemar setia blog ini. (tapi setelah dipikir-pikir ini kayak surat berantai juga ya, kalo dapet mesti dipass ke 5 orang berikutnya, hiii syereem)
Anyway, gue gak tau dari di atas itu siapa aja yang udah dapet award. Gue gak notifin deh nanti serba ribet, bagi yang mau ngambil silahkan ambil, monggooo.
Minggu, 30 Mei 2010
Song Of The Month
you say what you want to say
your diamonds are drops of rain
your smile is your credit card
and your currency is your love
and the morning is for you
and the air is free
and the birds sing for you
and your positivity
watch out
so you play where you want to play
on the main streets where the creeps all pray
and you can feel like you're in dynasty
and you can be what you want to be
and the morning is for you
and the air is free
and the birds sing for you
and your positivity
and the car crash for you
and the sunshine is free
and the sirens call you
yes the morning is for you
yes the air is free
and yes the world spins for you
and your positivity

Selasa, 25 Mei 2010
Review Lagi, Ey?

Senin, 17 Mei 2010
Liburan W-2
Minggu, 09 Mei 2010

Sabtu, 08 Mei 2010
Song of The Month
But when I think about it
I don't see how you can
You're aching, you're breaking
And I can see the pain in your eyes
Since everybody's changing
And I don't know why.
So little time
Try to understand that I'm
Trying to make a move just to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
But everybody's changing
And I don't feel the same.
You're gone from here
Soon you will disappear
Fading into beautiful light
'cause everybody's changing
And I don't feel right.
So little time
Try to understand that I'm
Trying to make a move just to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
But everybody's changing
And I don't feel the same.
So little time
Try to understand that I'm
Trying to make a move just to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
But everybody's changing
And I don't feel the same.
Everybody's changing
And I don't feel the same.
And I don't know why.
Try to understand that I'm
Trying to make a move just to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
And I don't feel the same.
Rabu, 28 April 2010
Personality Test

Openness to Experience/Intellect | |||
High scorers tend to be original, creative, curious, complex; Low scorers tend to be conventional, down to earth, narrow interests, uncreative. | |||
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | You typically don't seek out new experiences. | ( |
Conscientiousness | |||
High scorers tend to be reliable, well-organized, self-disciplined, careful; Low scorers tend to be disorganized, undependable, negligent. | |||
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | You tend to do things somewhat haphazardly. | ( |
Extraversion | |||
High scorers tend to be sociable, friendly, fun loving, talkative; Low scorers tend to be introverted, reserved, inhibited, quiet. | |||
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | You probably enjoy spending quiet time alone. | ( |
Agreeableness | |||
High scorers tend to be good natured, sympathetic, forgiving, courteous; Low scorers tend to be critical, rude, harsh, callous. | |||
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | You find it easy to criticize others. | ( |
High scorers tend to be nervous, high-strung, insecure, worrying; Low scorers tend to be calm, relaxed, secure, hardy.

Yah, dengan ini bisa disimpulkan lah kalo santo sebagai manusia itu berkepribadian buruk sekali, udah ga bisa diandelin, susah bersosialisasi, aneh, kasar, gampang takut en grogi, udah gitu dikit-dikit ga setuju lagi. Yang bagus cuma... apa ya??
Dan justru itu yang bikin santo lebih jelek lagi, gampang banget ngerendahin diri sendiri. Sebagai anak indonesia santo seharusnya lebih optimis lagi, karena kepribadian ga ditentuin sama tes kepribadian internet ga jelas semata, itu semua tergantung elo dan orang lain ngeliat diri lo sendiri.
Apalagi kepribadian itu kan bukan sesuatu yang dari lahir ada dan ga bisa berubah, sosialisasi ama faktor-faktor laen juga berpengaruh. Yah gue berharap aja gue bisa jadi orang yang lebih baik dari ini, well, ganbatte yo!!